Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Understand the Events That Will Happen to You
Message from Our Lord and God Jesus Christ to Sister Beghe in Belgium on July 3, 2024

My beloved, My dear children of France and the world, what to tell you today!
Do you think of Me when you place your vote in the ballot box? Do you think of Me when you hear the results, the debates of a second round? The die is almost cast and what do you think? Are you satisfied with the results? Where am I in all this excitement? Am I present in these verbal debates? Do you like Me when you're in love with this or that candidate?
My dear children, don't you see My absence? And yet, when you vote, you choose the one that seems the least worst to you, but in this least worst, I am present? My dear children, I understand you, but where are those who truly represent Me? Are they present? Haven't they been swept away because they are so small and almost non-existent? This is your world today. I have truly been expelled from the political world, the social world and even the religious world. Modernism has invaded the Catholic sphere, other religions are also well established and I, the Truth, the one who cannot change, am still worshipped in your world that has become pagan?
My dear children, don't let yourselves be carried away by the waves that dissolve in the sand and which will bring you neither the security you expect nor the calm you hope for. Man without God can do nothing in a country that has denied its soul and therefore has no future. France was certainly the eldest daughter of the Church, but the Church herself, in renegade hands, preaches false pretensions and the whole world, with a few exceptions, is heading for its downfall.
When the mother goes astray, the family becomes disunited; when the mother prostitutes herself, the family falls apart. However, the representatives of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, which is the Mother of all Christians, go astray and condemn themselves to ruin, dragging in their wake so many Christians who are helpless because they don't have a sufficient education. Some representatives of the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church remain faithful, but their voice is drowned out or they themselves are condemned and excluded from the Church, even though they are dedicated servants and aware of their responsibilities.
My children, I tell you all this to enlighten you, not to discourage you. If you are lucid and informed, you will understand the events that are happening in your country and in the world, and everything that is being prepared and that is to come is the work of the devil who wants to drive Me away, who wants to destroy you and who is about to succeed. Come back to Me, all of you, in humility, fervor and Truth, and the world will change because, through your conversion, I will bring you peace, concord and serenity.
Outside of Me there is no salvation; outside of Me there is disagreement, war, anger, cruelty. May God be with you, but return to Me, you are My creatures, I created you for your happiness, not for your misfortune. Understand the events that will happen to you, understand cowardice, understand infidelity, understand your own mistakes and return to bending your knees before the Blessed Sacrament of the altar, because in Me there is peace, love and resolution of all your misfortunes, all your commitments, all your difficulties.
France will only recover from its defeat through its conversion, through its rediscovered piety, through the recognition of its subjection to God, as Saint Joan of Arc already said to King Carlos VII: after having received the kingdom of France from the king, Joan gave it to God, who gave it to Carlos so that he could be God's lieutenant in his royal function. Through the revolution of 1789, France rebelled against this divine subjection and as long as it remains in this revolutionary spirit, not bending the knee before God, its true King, it will remain more and more in the shadows, in its misfortune and that of its inhabitants.
The hour has come, yes, the hour of disaster has come and the children of France will be torn apart because each one will want to be their own authority, listening only to themselves, without consideration or esteem for anyone else. Yes, the time has come, My dear children, but don't get involved in this depraved concert, come and pray because I will listen to you, I will protect you, I will cover you with My Love. Stay united with Me, seek consolation only in Me, I am your only Savior, there is no other but Me.
I love you, I will not abandon you, you can always count on Me, wherever I am, you will be in your right place.
I bless you, My Dears, I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. May it be so!